League Update on Playoffs
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The previous article posted below is a email memo from the President of the AAU regarding the Coronavirus and it's effect on AAU, UHU, WSHL activities.
Along these lines, the Executive Committee in a meeting yesterday morning acting out of a abundance of caution placing safety first for WSHL players, staff, volunteers, community participants made a very timely and important decision. Due to health issues related to the Coronavirus, the fact that the Seattle area has become the epicenter on the West Coast for the virus as it relates to number of people infected and deaths due to the disease, and the fact that there is a possibility that team members have been exposed to the virus, the Executive Committee made the following decision. All games that were to take place over this weekend in the State of Washington were canceled and due to the calendar remaining in the regular season, those games WILL NOT be re-scheduled. Likewise because of the possibility of exposure with one WSHL family both the Bellingham Blazers and Seattle Totems will be removed from the playoff schedule and both teams will be restricted from travel to Utah where for the most part the virus has not hit. This is a unfortunate decision we felt that had to be made given the circumstances which created the problem. This decision keeps 50 plus members of the WSHL in a much safer environment than sitting on buses for 14 hours where the possibility of spreading the exposure not only to other members, but possibly infecting the communities along the way.
Safety First,
Ron White,
Western States Hockey League